Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 2

Today was pretty mellow. We went to the this little cafe near Courtney's work. I had trouble ordering. I wanted to try a Humita and a tamale, but trouble arose and I ended up ordering a sandwich as well. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to be eating. The juice here is amazing! Jugo de Pina is my new favorite. They have this stuff called Aji, and its a lot like salsa. it's usually orange, however, and very watery and spicy.

After lunch we walked to the supermarket and got some bottled water and a BAG of eggs. haha yes, a bag. We also took a stroll through the market and picked out the strangest looking fruit we could find. I got this one spikey yellow fruit which tasted similar to a Kiwi. It had small edible seeds that give the fruit a crunch. Sensational. I also got these weird looking tubes of fruit that are filled with gooey pomagranite-like seeds, but taste like a tomato. I didn't like that one so much. Theo and I lounged around most of the day, took a siesta and acclimated ourselves to the altitude.

We went to the tourist district for some Indian food for dinner. Yummy, but DAMN was it spicy. We walked around the Plaza Foch for a bit and had a drink at this really cool bar that looked like a very colorful house. The crappy part was that, as it mainly caters to tourists, the drinks were really expensive and we ended up paying $6 for a glass of wine. bah! After that we moseied on over to a Karaoke bar that only had about 17 songs in english. We got some beers (3 pilsener grande for $4, much better deal) and sang some songs. I sang "Don't Speak" by No Doubt, Theo sang that one song by Blind Mellon. And Connor sang "Zombie" by the Cranberries. It was great fun.

Tomorrow we head to Atacames Beach where Courtney's friend owns a beach front condo. Thanks Courtney for hooking it up!

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